Phono stage »Edison« Mk II![]() During its eight-year production run, the original Edison has become the Phono Preamplifier of choice for connoisseurs who demand ultimate versatility as well as State-of-the-Art performance. Music lovers who own multiple tonearms and cartridges will find that Edison includes every feature imaginable. Three Balanced RCA inputs, two of which also feature XLR connection, accommodate the most elaborate systems. Each input is independently adjustable for gain (16 steps from 49 - 73 dB) and impedance (12 steps from 50 - 47k Ohms). Adding selectable mono/stereo, phase/invert and a 1:1 input transformer of superb quality, Edison provides a level of fine-tuning unsurpassed by any other phono stage. A remote handset maximizes user convenience.
Like our Marconi Line Preamplifier and Nyquist Streaming DAC, Edison’s hybrid circuitry harnesses the best qualities of bipolar transistors and selected NOS Telefunken tubes. RIAA equalization is implemented partially as plate load and partially as feedback loop. Phase inversion for the balanced outputs is handled by a third tube stage. In its Mk II incarnation, Edison’s RIAA EQ network has been completely re-designed. The result of Helmut Brinkmann’s relentless fine-tuning, nearly every capacitor has been updated with a new value or type, yielding increased accuracy and linearity. Lessons learned from the Nyquist design project enabled Edison’s output stage to be substantially improved, resulting in a lower noise-floor, more detailed and holographic sound, superior long-term reliability and an even closer connection to the music. Edison Mk II is more than an enhancement of its legendary predecessor. The culmination of Helmut Brinkmann’s four decades of audio design, it is our definitive statement of the analog art. The Edison Mk II version is now available at selected Brinkmann dealers. Owners of the original Edison can upgrade their unit to the Mk II standard. Please inquire.
»The Edison sounds pure. And he is addictive. He lets the music shine so relaxed and at the same time involving, so colorful but also precise, an experience that I only had in rare moments before. Maybe there is some competition that plays more precise. Or better: competition that appears to play more precise. The Edison counters effortlessly with musical flow and this always fascinating integrity that is outstanding in my opinion. I rarely experienced such a direct and intensive access to music.« Stefan Gawlik »Hifi & Records«
Edison Mk II Review 2022 in "Part-Time Audiophile" Nyquist Mk II, Edison Mk II, Marconi Mk II Review 2020 in "the abso!ute sound"
Edison Mk II Review in "High" (in Polish)
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